We combine our own curated data, with yours, and then use cutting edge forecasting methodologies to make accurate predictions which can be used for your business.
Our forecasts draw on diverse data sources, insights from economics and behavioural science, and the latest methodologies including machine learning and econometrics.
We provide operational and strategic forecasts, up to 18 months ahead, delivering actionable insights that drive business processes like demand planning, stock optimisation, staff scheduling, and dynamic pricing, improving overall performance and efficiency.
Our models draw from diverse sets of data, our insights into the economy and human behaviour, and modern machine learning approaches to produce accurate and actionable insights to help your business.
Our forecasts can be integrated into existing systems and processes. We also have a continually growing suite of products which use these forecasts to solve various business problems
People are the most important asset for many businesses. Our scheduling and staff management tool helps to ensure you have the right number of people in the store to meet the needs of customers, but also create schedules that work for your staff.
Businesses continually need to know about the most effective way to boost outcomes, like sales or engagement, which they care about. Our campaign effectiveness module helps a business determine the additional impact of a campaign.
Each has a different ‘customer lifetime value’ to the business. Our customer lifetime value tool helps identify different types of customers and the value of these different groups to the business. This means that a business can focus on the most valuable customers.
PI’s demand planning technology provides accurate predictions on who wants what, when. These forecasts can be used to drive staff schedules, stock ordering, pricing and promotion decisions, and food production, improving business efficiency and profits.
Keeping high levels of stock is expensive, particularly if the product has a short shelf-life, but low-levels risk stock-outs and lost sales. PI’s stock optimisation tool helps plan what stock to order, and where it should be located to maximise returns on your working capital.
Our sales insight module helps identify unusual trends and outliers on a store, product and individual basis. This allows for the monitoring of performance at different levels.The module can also be used to identify types of customers, target markets or product complements.
Predictive Insights helped us to analyse our data using a combination of machine learning and behavioural insights to identify our high-value customers' characteristics and traits. By understanding our customer base, we can make better business decisions that improve customer retention and drive new customer acquisition. Neil offered hands-on expertise and was always available to answer questions and train our users.
Predictive Insights helped us gain actionable insights from our data and improved how we help young people in the labour market. Their analysis always gets to the heart of the issue, is extremely rigorous but presented in an accessible and action orientated way." -
Predictive Insights used machine learning to help us identify high potential enquiries. This helped us prioritise, and more accurately target ad spend, leading to increased revenue and improved efficiency.
Our margins of error have improved for demand forecasting by 40%; now we can get pretty close to the right number of personnel hours needed, because the predictions are much more accurate.
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